If you’ve ever caught yourself wondering “how does Invisalign work,” then you’ve come to the right place! We have everything you need to know here.
If you’re insecure about your smile, you’re certainly not alone.
In fact, over 80% of people say that they don’t like the way their smile looks when they’re photographed.
But if you find yourself closing your mouth when smiling or covering your mouth when you speak, the truth is that your insecurities might be correct.
Recent studies show that people with poor teeth and oral hygiene are more likely to be turned down for a job. Furthermore, those with crooked teeth may even have a more difficult time dating than those with straight, pearly whites.
If you’ve ever asked, “How does Invisalign work?” when thinking about how to straighten your teeth, then you’ve come to the right place.
In this post, we’re going to cover everything that you need to know about Invisalign.
Read on to learn how it can help you to get the smile that you’ve always dreamed of.
How Does Invisalign Work? The Basics
When you’re considering all the different options available to you in your quest for straighter teeth, we know you want to be able to answer the question, “How does Invisalign work?”
First of all, your dentist or doctor will take a mold of your teeth.
This mold will be used to create aligners that gradually and gently work to straighten your teeth and correct underbites and overbites in the process.
Invisalign also works to correct the look of gaps in your teeth. This can be especially helpful if you’re worried about plaque and tartar building up in between the spaces in your teeth. Plus, fixing your smile means you’ll be a lot less likely to face jaw tension and pain.
You’ll even be able to lower your risk of developing teeth and gum disease in the future.
Invisalign does this exclusively through the use of force, and you can expect your teeth to move about .25 mm per tray.
One of the main differences between Invisalign and traditional braces – the key to understand how does Invisalign work?
Unlike tightening your bands or switching out your brackets, you get new aligning trays. This way, each tooth will be straightened on an individual level. Every new tray that you put in works to move only a few of your teeth at a time.
In general, you can expect to get new trays about once every two weeks.
When it comes to the aligners themselves, we especially love that they are made with BPA-free plastic. After all, there’s no reason to put yourself at risk just because you want straighter teeth!
Plus, it’s comfortable enough so that fairly soon after you get a new tray, you’ll completely forget you’re even wearing them.
The Advantages Of Invisalign
Now that you know how does Invisalign work, let’s take a look at some of the most common advantages of going with this treatment option.
The most obvious advantage is that your treatment, unlike metal braces, will be completely invisible.
Especially if you’re an adult, you may feel a bit insecure about walking around with a metal mouth. Invisalign works to ensure that you’re able to straighten your teeth without worrying about whether or not you look like a teenager.
Additionally, unlike with traditional metal braces, there are no food restrictions when you’re wearing Invisalign.
Though of course, good oral care is important (more on that later in this post) you’ll be able to crunch and chew to your heart’s content throughout your treatment.
Additionally, you won’t have to worry about your metal brackets or wires popping out and potentially scratching or stabbing the inside of your mouth or tongue.
A safe, comfortable, and invisible path to straighter teeth?
Sign us up!
Will Invisalign Hurt?
The second most popular question right after “How does Invisalign work?”
It’s “Does Invisalign hurt?”
Most people who wear Invisalign say that, though they initially feel a slight sensation of pressure when they first put in new trays, they usually don’t feel any severe pain.
Invisalign is certainly much less painful than braces or other types of orthodontic gear designed to help you to straighten your teeth.
The pressure that you’ll feel will generally go away after a few days, once your teeth have become used to the amount of force. This is good news – after all, it’s a clear indication that the Invisalign is working properly!
Of course, if you experience severe pain or even see bleeding in your gums, we strongly suggest that you tell your doctor. This could be a sign of gum disease, or there could have been an error in making your mold.
How Long Will Treatment Last?
Another popular question after, “How does Invisalign work?”
How long can you expect the treatment to last?
As with any other kind of procedure, the length of your treatment will depend on your unique circumstances.
If you have more crooked teeth than the average person, then you can expect your treatment to last for a longer period of time.
However, in general, the average treatment for Invisalign lasts for about one year.
If you’re considering Invisalign as an option for your teenager, they may need to wear their Invisalign for a shorter time than adults. This is because teens and young adults have teeth that are easier to move and realign.
If you’re an older adult, you might even need to wear your Invisalign for up to two years. Talk to your dentist about whether or not the timeline of Invisalign is a good fit for you.
The Main Rules of Invisalign
Now that you can better answer the question, “How does Invisalign work?”
Let’s make sure you’re familiar with some of the most important things that you need to do in order to get the most out of your treatment.
First of all, make sure you keep your Invisalign in for at least twenty to twenty-two hours out of every day.
This means that, not only is it safe to wear Invisalign when you sleep, it’s also essential if you want to get the best possible results.
In general, the only time you should take out your Invisalign is when you’re eating.
If you don’t follow this rule, you don’t just risk compromising your results. You can also extend the length of your treatment, because your teeth will begin to move back into their original positions.
Getting Invisalign treatment means that you’ll also need to start paying more attention to your overall level of oral hygiene. Always make sure that you brush and floss your teeth a minimum of twice a day.
Improper oral hygiene means you run the risk of staining your Invisalign, as well as increasing your chances for a buildup of plaque and tooth decay.
Above all, if you’re currently a smoker, you can use Invisalign as a great motivation to quit. Smoking greatly increases your risk of oral cancer, as well as for discoloration of both Invisalign and your actual teeth.
Now is the time to put down the cigs.
How to Clean Your Invisalign
Next up in our guide to answering the question, “How does Invisalign work?” Making sure that, as a part of your general oral care, you also know how to properly clean your Invisalign.
It might surprise you to learn that you actually shouldn’t use toothpaste to clean your aligners. This will increase the likelihood that they become scratched or tarnished in some way (especially if you use a toothpaste with a whitening agent).
Instead, gently brush your Invisalign and use a special sanitizing cleaning solution provided by your dentist. In general, you should make it a point to rinse out your Invisalign trays directly before you put them back into your mouth.
After all, the last thing in the world that you want to deal with are Invisalign trays that smell bad!
Ready to Begin Your Invisalign Treatment?
We hope this post has helped you to be able to answer the question, “How does Invisalign work?”
We also hope that you feel much more educated about what to expect in terms of pain, the length of your treatment, and the rules you’ll need to follow to get the results that you want.
Of course, one of the most important decisions you’ll make relates to who you choose to perform your treatment.
When you’re looking for the best quality of care and professionals that will work to get you the kind of results you want, reach out to us today to book a consultation led by Dr. sSteven Hewett, implant dentist.
It’s time to start showing your teeth when you smile and feeling confident about the way you look.