Dentures are often called “false teeth,” so it’s no wonder some people are nervous that they’ll feel unnatural or look strange. But for people who have missing or problem teeth, getting partial or complete dentures can improve quality of life and confidence. At Implant & Comprehensive Dentistry in Champions Gate and Celebration, our team has years of experience fitting dentures to each person’s unique needs, and we will guide you through the adjustments that come with the process. After some time and a little practice, your mouth will be very happy and healthy with its new teeth.
Will Dentures Make Me Look Different?
While they make your mouth more comfortable and strengthen your facial structure, dentures can also improve your smile. At Implant & Comprehensive Dentistry, we take careful measurements and create molds over a series of appointments to customize dental plates that fit comfortably and look natural, taking into account the shape and color of your gums and any existing teeth. In the end, you’ll have the smile you were always meant to have!
Is It Difficult to Eat with Dentures?
When you have problem teeth, eating can be very painful. Dentures can restore the pleasure of eating, but it will take some practice to get used to the feeling of chewing with them. For your first few meals, it’s best to start with soft foods and small bites, chewing slowly on both sides of your mouth. As you get more accustomed to chewing, you’ll be able to introduce more and more foods to your diet.
Will My Speech Change?
Like eating, talking will feel different with your new dentures, but it will get easier as the muscles in your mouth and tongue adjust. You might notice that your voice sounds different in your ears at first. This is because sound reverberates through the jaw and facial bones, and the introduction of dental plates will change the resonance in the space of your mouth. Reading out loud can help you attune to your voice and practice enunciating with your new mouth. Another helpful practice is to bite and swallow before speaking to position your teeth securely.
At Implant & Comprehensive Dentistry, we’d be glad to discuss these or any other questions you have about dentures. Contact us today to schedule your consultation at our offices in either Champions Gate or Celebration, FL!
Will Dentures Impact My Lifestyle?